Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hugo House

If I could get involved with anything at the Hugo House, it would be ZAPP. I fully intend to do volunteer work, once things slow down a bit... it's so hard to do in college. But listening to Kate talk about it made me even more excited -- both about my paper and about possibly volunteering. I also really want to have a theatre intership there! How totally awesome thatwould be ::Hannah floats off to fantesy land:::

As far as how the field trip went, it could have been much better. I think I was under prepared and I apologize to my team and the whole class. I love that Kate talked to us for so long, and that we got to see ZAPP even though it wasn't open (I wish we could have spent longer down there, but that's just me :)

Something I think would really help the field trips would be participation. Maybe as you are reading the guide books, jot down one or two questions you have about the organazation and then ask them on the field trip.
And then there was the almost transportation disaster... but it wasn't too bad, so that's good.

Okay all, we were the guinea pigs... it's your turn

1 comment:

CSumption said...

Thanks for sharing your pov on the field trip, Hannah. And thanks, too, for being part of the guinea pig team. It's always a blessing and a curse to go first! Thanks for setting it all up and sharing the elements of HH that you're passionate about, esp the Zine library. (I'm definitely planning to go there with Richard sometime so we can plow through the old RiotGrrrl zines.) I think the whole group learned a lot from you guys and from the experience--both about HH and about what it takes for an effective field trip (for leaders and the rest of the group). Your suggestion about questions is a good one. The key is active participation and engagement all around.