Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Response Paper #6 (aka what we did in class today, 4/11)

1. Read “The Second Line” by Sidney Bechet in Creators on Creating.

2. Consider Bechet’s description of his engagement with music, both as a child and as an adult. Note the concrete details in his description.

3. Freewrite for 15 minutes on one of your own childhood encounters with art. Use concrete detail to make the description vivid for your reader.

4. Read what you’ve written.
o Are your ideas clearly expressed?
o Have you illustrated your ideas with specific details?
o Does what you’ve written vividly express what you have to say?

5. Revise as needed. Proofread your writing. Make corrections as needed.

6. Save your paper on your computer, and print a copy. (Your paper should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins. At the top of the page, please include your name, the date, “Seattle Arts Ecology,” and “Response Paper #6.”)

7. Share what you’ve written by reading it aloud to the class.

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