Sunday, April 1, 2007


1. Make a list of concrete action steps that are necessary to move forward productively on your inquiry project. Be ask specific as possible. Do you need to:
o sharpen the focus of your inquiry?
o discuss strategy with Chris or with a librarian?
o exchange ideas with members of your inquiry team?
o do further research online or in the library?
o dialogue with sources you already have?
o complete or sharpen the plan/overview of your paper?
o set up interview(s)? transcribe an interview?
o make a site visit? write up your observations and reflections on a site visit you’ve already made?
o draft a portion of your paper?

2. Prioritize the items on your list. What do you need to do first? What is most crucial for you to undertake now? What is the one task that, when you complete it, will make you feel a sense of progress toward your goal?

3. Do a reality check. What is possible/achievable in the time you have? (3 weeks to first draft) Adjust priorities, if necessary.

4. Choose one or more action steps that you can undertake now, today, in the next 2 hours. Do them.

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