Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Seattle Public Library-ness

I loved the library trip! I'd never been in there before, but Ive walked by it many times... it was so big! "I've never seen so many books in all my life!" (hint, it's a disney classic, and the only animated film to be nominated for best picture) I'm a book freak, as many of you know, and the only thing I wish is that I'd gotten to browse more! I just wanted to take off from the rest of the group and see what treasures were waiting in the stacks...

As a last note, I HATE the Dewy Decimal system... it's so outdated... but I know that it would take crazy long time to re-catalogue all those books... so I won't complain. Too much.

I still love my library back home the best though -- it was a little tiny thing in Alsea, Oregon. The building used to be a bank, and then it was the phone operator's office-y thing, and in my day it was a library. I knew every book in there, and I'd go in there and just chat with Mary, the librarian... that was where my first library job was, I was 7. Good times.

That was a little off topic... but yeah, I love libraries.

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