Wednesday, February 14, 2007

true and sincere friends

Well, everyone, I am loving my organization more and more as I go. Vera Project is so tight. It almost doesn't feel like I am researching for a class because I am so interested in what I am learning. For instance, did you know that Vera was started in response to a Teen Dance Ordinance that was passed in 1985 that outlawed all underage dance clubs? This sounds kind of ridiculous but they outlawed them because of all of the trouble with drugs, alcohol, and sexual abuse in relation to the dance clubs. This movement seeped into the underage music scene as well, hence Vera is the first all ages music venue in a LOOOONG time. Reminds you of Footloose, starring Kevin Bacon, yea??? I know. Only they were in a small town in like the early 80's and we are talking about the city of Seattle in the late 90's (when they finally abolished the TDO)

I would also like to thank Chris for giving us Friday to work on our projects. It was MUCHO helpful. Ashley and I are planning on being at Vera for their grand opening concert to take pictures and volunteer! That's right, first hand experience in the volunteer dept.!

Last thing...Vera is actually and acronym for Veri Et Recti Amici which translates to "true and sincere friends"

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