Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The park

I loved the park... it was my favorite field trip of this year, and may be even of last, although I loved Seattle Rep....

I come from Oregon, and I've grown up surrounded by trees. Now I'm in Seattle, and I'm surrounded by art. And at the OSP, I found both, in a way I was not expecting. The walk through the trees, discovering giant scupltures that look klike they'd grown there, rather than been placed, the sounds of the cars and train, the smell... there's no place like it.

It's hard to pick my favorite one... I could talk about anyone of them passionately. However, I choose the Wave for this current post.

There was something safe feeling about it -- like it was protecting me from the world, but not enclosing me. I look up and it pierces the sky, I look to either side and it surrounds me, keeping the sky from falling down on me. I walk to the end, but then I turn and it's there again! Everywhere I look, it's there... I walk around in circles, around it and beyond it, longing to touch it but the signs beg me not to, so I don't... I let it touch me instead.

And I loved the cocouns(sp)! Super fun -- I hope that everyone got a chance to sit in them, cuz they were awesome --- fun art :) I want one for my bedroom :)

1 comment:

abby said...

i love the cocoons too!!! I think I want to put mine in my yard though.