Thursday, February 15, 2007

Something Useless

Well. I am going to share my feelings with the whole select few who read this trash.

Yesterday was a waste of a completely good day I believe. My interview for class has been botch-fest 2007. I can't get a hold of this guy and it's irritating me beyond belief. And of course I felt like shit. Projects, homework riding up my butt, tromboning, and the endless struggle of being a human in the material world...

...That's my life

Valentine's day is a holiday that was invented to make the singles feel even more shitty about being single. Or maybe it was invented to make single people do stupid things like try and win somebody's heart. Whatever reason it was created... i think you might now know how i feel about it. I hate it. Of course! But that's only because i am single and bitter towards anyone that actually spent this silly holiday with the person they are in love with. See... i didn't spend it with anyone except a box of NyQuil...

Something inside of me told me to feel more like crap. A kind of crap I can only feel on Valentine's Day.


Hannah said...

I feel the same way about V day... sooooo dumb. WHatever, it's over now, and I have a whole year to not look forward to it.

I'm sorry you're having so much trouble Greg :(

abby said...

you could have come to class instead of drowning your sorrows with a bottle of nyquil...just a thought.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

CSumption said...

Maybe you need to try some other strategies for your interview. If you can't get together in person, maybe you can set up a phone interview or do one by email. Maybe you need to try someone else on the SIFF staff.

Anonymous said...

oh... i am sick. so the nyquil was for my headache and throat