Friday, February 23, 2007

Time to be creative i spose...

My neglect of writing about the OSP is for one reason. I didn't like it (big surprise?).

I liked things about it. The Vivarium was pretty awesome I thought. It's like that song from the Lion King, The Circle Of Life. I just thought it was cool how it showed the existence of everything, dead or alive, can impact our surroundings. Weather it is a passed away family member of friend, our presence in the material world will always have an impact, even when we no longer are in this realm of existence. And maybe that's what I saw from this dead rotting tree. Kind of funny how one can get something deep like that from something like a dead tree log. no?

When I think of sculpture parks, I think of massive, FINISHED, spaces with large works of art. They had impressive sculptures, yes. And wonderful architecture, with the design of the buildings. But it was like the sculpture park in Leningrad, Russia (which was never completed). I don't know... maybe I'm an ass. If you're going to half ass something, at least clean up the edges and make it look somewhat pretty. Whatever.

It was a good bonding experience.

Here is a story.

I remember when I was little I had Burt and Ernie dolls from Sesame Street. I liked Ernie better and decided one day he needed a hair cut so he could be even better than Burt. Burt was really suck. He looked like a banana, his colours on his shirt were ugly, and he couldn't hold the gun from my G.I. Joe action figure(sometimes Burt and Ernie had to help kick some ass with G.I. Joe).

Anyways... I went and got my two tone, red and white, safety scissors and proceeded to give him a nice short hair cut. After I was finished... well... lets just say Burt was my favorite from then on. You could see Ernie's weave and look down into his hollow, orange skull. I ruined Ernie. He looked like he had just had a lobotomy. Oh well. I think those two are up in my parents attic now. I gave other things hair cuts too. The neighbor girl, my cat, my mom, and even myself. Eventually I spose I grew out of that phase.


CSumption said...

Liking or not liking something is not the point. What matters is noticing: what you see, what you feel, what the experience makes you reflect on. That's where your best writing comes from.

Anonymous said...

I did write about that.